Thursday, March 18, 2021

How to Make Quick Chicken & Kale Spring rolls

Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, if you're looking for Chicken & Kale Spring rolls recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Chicken & Kale Spring rolls recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Chicken & Kale Spring rolls

Before you jump to Chicken & Kale Spring rolls recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Turn to Food to Improve Your Mood.

For the most part, people have been trained to believe that "comfort" foods are not good for the body and must be avoided. Often, if your comfort food is basically candy or other junk foods, this is true. Otherwise, comfort foods can be extremely healthy and good for you. Some foods honestly do elevate your mood when you eat them. If you are feeling a little bit down and in need of an emotional pick me up, try several of these.

Cold water fish are excellent for eating if you are wanting to battle depression. Cold water fish such as tuna, trout and wild salmon are high in DHA and omega-3 fatty acids. These are two substances that increase the quality and function of the grey matter in your brain. It's true: eating a tuna fish sandwich can seriously elevate your mood.

So you see, you don't have to turn to junk food or foods that are bad for you just so to feel better! Try a few of these tips instead.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to chicken & kale spring rolls recipe. To cook chicken & kale spring rolls you only need 11 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to prepare Chicken & Kale Spring rolls:

  1. You need 1-1 1/2 lbs of ground chicken.
  2. Get 1/2 lb of kale leaves- chopped.
  3. You need 3/4 c of shredded carrot.
  4. You need 1/2 tsp of white sugar.
  5. Provide 2 tsp of soy sauce.
  6. Take 1 of egg.
  7. Use to taste of Black pepper.
  8. Take 2 cloves of garlic- minced.
  9. Use of Spring roll wrappers.
  10. Use Bowl of water.
  11. Take of Veg oil for frying.

Instructions to make Chicken & Kale Spring rolls:

  1. In a medium bowl, combine chicken, kale, carrots, egg, sugar, soy sauce, pepper & garlic. Mix & let marinade 20-30 min. Follow instructions on wrapper on making soft (mine said to dip in bowl of water). Place a big spoonful of mixture into lower section of wrapper. Begin rolling from bottom, tucking the filling under & folding sides, you can brush edges with water. Place on a sheet pan until you are ready to fry..
  2. In a heated skillet on medium heat place spring rolls. Brown until done. Place on paper towel to absorb oil. Serve with favorite sauce..

If you find this Chicken & Kale Spring rolls recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

About the Author


Author & Editor

Sharing cooking knowledge and recipes. I'm not a professional chef but cooking is my hobby. The way I use to be with the people I love and improve myself everyday.


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