Monday, May 17, 2021

Easiest Way to Prepare Homemade Stuffed Eggplant with shrimp Very Easy

Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe site, looking for the perfect Stuffed Eggplant with shrimp recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Stuffed Eggplant with shrimp recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Stuffed Eggplant with shrimp

Before you jump to Stuffed Eggplant with shrimp recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Foods That Can Make You Happy.

A lot of us think that comfort foods are not good for us and that we have to avoid them. Often, if the comfort food is a high sugar food or another junk food, this is true. Other times, though, comfort foods can be totally healthy and it's good for you to eat them. There are some foods that really can improve your moods when you eat them. If you seem to be a little bit down and you need an emotional pick me up, try a number of these.

Cold water fish are excellent for eating if you want to combat depression. Cold water fish like tuna, trout and wild salmon are rich in DHA and omega-3 fats. These are two substances that increase the quality and function of the grey matter in your brain. It's true: consuming a tuna fish sandwich can actually help you fight depression.

So you see, you don't need to eat all that junk food when you are wanting to feel better! Go with these hints instead!

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to stuffed eggplant with shrimp recipe. You can cook stuffed eggplant with shrimp using 11 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Stuffed Eggplant with shrimp:

  1. Use 1 of Large Organic Eggplant.
  2. Use 8 of Medium Shrimp.
  3. Get 1 of organic egg.
  4. Prepare 1/2 tsp of Himalayan pink salt.
  5. Provide 1 tbsp of Organic all purpose flour.
  6. Provide 1/4 tsp of white pepper.
  7. Get 2 tbsp of corn starch.
  8. Take 4 tbsp of water.
  9. Prepare 2 tbsp of oyster sauce.
  10. You need 1 tbsp of cooking wine.
  11. Take 4 tbsp of cooking olive oil.

Steps to make Stuffed Eggplant with shrimp:

  1. In a food processor combine chopped shrimp, salt, all purpose flour, white pepper and egg white. Process until a coarse paste forms..
  2. Slice eggplant on the diagonal, about 1-inch thick, then slice through the middle, about 90% deep but not all the way, to create a pocket for the shrimp..
  3. Fill each eggplant slice to the top with about a teaspoonful of the shrimp mixture. Repeat until all the eggplant slices are filled..
  4. Pan Fry the stuffed eggplants until brown on all sides. Around 3 to 4 minutes of each side. You need plenty of olive oil to pan fry eggplants, set aside..
  5. Use the same skillet, add olive oil, Shallot and garlic.
  6. Add Oyster, water and cooking wine. Mix well and bring it to boil.
  7. Put Stuffed eggplants back into the pan, cover and let it cook for 5 minutes.
  8. Remove eggplants from the pan.
  9. Add water to corn starch and add to the sauce.
  10. Top each eggplant with the sauce.

If you find this Stuffed Eggplant with shrimp recipe helpful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

About the Author


Author & Editor

Sharing cooking knowledge and recipes. I'm not a professional chef but cooking is my hobby. The way I use to be with the people I love and improve myself everyday.


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