Monday, May 17, 2021

How to Prepare Ultimate Stir fry with shrimp Super Easy

Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, looking for the perfect Stir fry with shrimp recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Stir fry with shrimp recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Stir fry with shrimp

Before you jump to Stir fry with shrimp recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Foods That Make Your Mood Better.

Most of us have been taught to think that comfort foods are terrible and are to be avoided. At times, if the comfort food is a sugary food or some other junk food, this holds true. Otherwise, comfort foods could be very nourishing and good for you. Several foods actually do elevate your mood when you eat them. If you are feeling a little bit down and need a happiness pick me up, try some of these.

Your mood could actually be helped by green tea. You were simply anticipating to read that here, weren't you? Green tea is packed full of an amino acid known as L-theanine. Research has proved that this amino acid promotes the production of brain waves. This helps sharpen your mental energy while simultaneously making the rest of your body more relaxed. You already knew that green tea helps you be a lot healthier. Now you are well aware that it helps you to elevate your moods as well!

So you see, you don't need to eat junk food or foods that are terrible for you just so to feel better! Try these suggestions instead!

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let's go back to stir fry with shrimp recipe. To make stir fry with shrimp you need 17 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to cook Stir fry with shrimp:

  1. Provide 12 of medium shrimp.
  2. Provide 1/4 cup of soy sauce.
  3. You need 1/4 teaspoon of corn starch.
  4. You need 1 tablespoon of chopped garlic.
  5. Get to taste of Crushed red pepper flakes.
  6. Provide 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley.
  7. Provide 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds.
  8. Get 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  9. Provide 2 of eggs.
  10. Prepare 1 small bag of stir fry veggies (not frozen).
  11. Get 1 small bag of spinach ( not frozen ).
  12. Use to taste of Chopped green onion.
  13. Provide to taste of Chopped celery.
  14. You need to taste of More parsley.
  15. Prepare 2 cups of cooked rice.
  16. Get to taste of More sesame seeds.
  17. Prepare to taste of More soy sauce.

Instructions to make Stir fry with shrimp:

  1. Cook rice. You can do this ahead have time, but have it warm when you add it..
  2. Do all your chopping and put all the veggies aside.
  3. Thaw shrimp in cold water..
  4. Whisk together soy sauce, corn starch, garlic, parsley, crushed red pepper flakes, and sesame seeds..
  5. Place shrimp in shallow backing dish and marinade in sauce from step 2..
  6. Set oven to low broil..
  7. Heat olive oil and scramble the eggs in wok or large fry pan..
  8. Place shrimp in the shallow baking dish in oven to broil for 5 minutes, turning them over half way through..
  9. Add all the veggies to the wok or large fry pan and cook until the spinach starts to reduce..
  10. Add your cooked rice and stir into the veggies.
  11. Add sesame seeds and soy sauce to taste..
  12. Plate up and put shrimp on top. Drizzle with the sauce left in the baking dish..

If you find this Stir fry with shrimp recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

About the Author


Author & Editor

Sharing cooking knowledge and recipes. I'm not a professional chef but cooking is my hobby. The way I use to be with the people I love and improve myself everyday.


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