Sunday, May 16, 2021

Recipe of Ultimate Tropical Layered Smoothie Very Easy

Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe page, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the best Tropical Layered Smoothie recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Tropical Layered Smoothie

Before you jump to Tropical Layered Smoothie recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Foods That Can Make You Happy.

A lot of us have been taught to believe that comfort foods are not good and must be avoided. But if your comfort food is candy or junk food this might be true. Soemtimes, comfort foods can be utterly healthy and good for us to eat. Several foods actually do improve your mood when you consume them. If you seem to be a little bit down and you're needing an emotional pick me up, try several of these.

If you want to overcome depression, try eating some cold water fish. Tuna, trout, mackerel, herring and wild salmon are all full of omega-3 fatty acids and DHA. These are two things that improve the quality and the function of your brain's gray matter. It's true: eating a tuna fish sandwich can earnestly boost your mood.

As you can see, you don't have to turn to junk food or foods that are bad for you just so to feel better! Try a few of these tips instead.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to tropical layered smoothie recipe. You can have tropical layered smoothie using 16 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you do that.

The ingredients needed to cook Tropical Layered Smoothie:

  1. Take of For the strawberry layer.
  2. Get of sliced strawberries.
  3. Use of a large banana, peeled and sliced.
  4. Take of lemon juice.
  5. You need of Lemon zest.
  6. Prepare of coconut milk.
  7. Prepare of For mango layer.
  8. Use of coconut milk.
  9. Provide of large mango, cubed.
  10. You need of a large banana, peeled and sliced.
  11. Prepare of Few saffron strands, soaked in a little water (optional).
  12. Get of For pineapple layer.
  13. Take of pineapple cubes frozen.
  14. Use of small banana, peeled and sliced.
  15. Provide of coconut milk.
  16. Provide of Mint leaves, strawberries and chopped fruits for garnishing.

Instructions to make Tropical Layered Smoothie:

  1. Peel and cut the strawberries, mangoes, pineapple and bananas and spread on butter paper or parchment paper lined pan to freeze for about 15 to 30 minutes..
  2. To make the bottom strawberry layer: Remove the frozen or chilled fruit slices from the freezer. Combine sliced strawberries, half a banana, coconut milk, lemon juice and some lemon zest in a blender. Blend to a smooth paste; you may have to do it in small bursts as the fruits are frozen..
  3. Divide strawberry smoothie between 2 glasses; it is easier to spoon them to form perfect layers, smoothening the top as you go. Return the glass to the freezer to set the bottom strawberry layer, for about 30 minutes..
  4. To make the middle mango layer: Combine mangoes, ½ a banana, coconut milk and saffron infused mixture and blend to a smooth puree. Layer this on top of the frozen strawberry layer, leveling the top. Freeze another 30 minutes..
  5. To make the pineapple layer: Combine pineapple, banana, and coconut milk in a blender and make a smooth puree. Remove the frozen smoothie glass from the freezer and layer this mixture gently over the second mango layer and level again. The layering of the smoothie can be made easier if you spoon the mixture into the glass..
  6. Serve immediately or chill for another 5 to 10 minutes and serve with a straw. Enjoy!.
  7. Add some honey if the mangoes and pineapples are not too sweet. For a vegan option, use sugar or agave syrup to sweeten the smoothie. Keep frozen fruits ready in the freezer and this smoothie can be ready in no time. If you do not want to layer the smoothies, enjoy the fruit smoothies separately as strawberry smoothie, mango and pineapple smoothies! #satwik.

If you find this Tropical Layered Smoothie recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

About the Author


Author & Editor

Sharing cooking knowledge and recipes. I'm not a professional chef but cooking is my hobby. The way I use to be with the people I love and improve myself everyday.


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